Lord Stern of Bradford, the climate change economist, claimed last October that a vegetarian diet was beneficial to the planet. Bradford的气候变化经济学家LordStern,去年10月称吃素对我们的星球是有益的。
He asked other conference speakers, including British economist Nick Stern, author of the 2006 UK government report on the economics of climate change. 这些人包括英国经济学家尼克斯特恩(NickStern),他是2006年关于气候变化经济学的英国政府报告的作者。
Todd Stern said in his press conference today that the US could support a process to negotiate a new climate accord, a spokeswoman said. 托德斯特恩在今日的新闻发布会上表示,美国可能支持一个新气候协定谈判进程,一名女发言人表示。
Stern says Clinton favors a balanced approach to climate change. 托德说克林顿对于气候变化问题喜欢采用均衡的方式。
Richard Tol, senior research officer at Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute, called Stern's report alarmist, saying it overestimated the impact of climate change. 爱尔兰经济和社会研究所的高级研究员理查德。陶勒先生称斯特恩的报告是杞人忧天,说报告过高地估计了气温变化所带来的影响。
There is a deal there to be done, says Todd Stern, US special envoy for climate change. 协议正等着人们签署,美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(ToddStern)表示。
Sir Nicholas Stern, author of last year's UK report on climate, has warned that, in a worst-case scenario, unabated climate change could knock 20 per cent off global consumption. 去年英国气候报告的作者尼古拉斯·斯特恩爵士(SirNicholasStern)已经警告:在最坏的情况下,毫不减弱的气候变化可能使全球消费减少20%。
Nicholas stern's landmark review of the economics of climate change is clear: act now or pay a far higher price later. 尼古拉斯?斯特恩的报告清晰地指出:立即采取行动,或者因延误行动而付出更大代价。
Mr Stern, the state department negotiator for climate change, argued that it would be a big help but not absolutely crucial for the Senate to pass the legislation before Copenhagen. 斯特恩是美国国务院气候变化问题谈判代表。他认为,参议院在哥本哈根会议前通过立法将发挥重大帮助作用,但并不是绝对关键的。
According to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change published by the UK Treasury last month ( 30 October), climate change could shrink the global economy by up to20 per cent. 根据英国财政部上月(10月30日)出版的关于气候变化经济学的Stern报告,气候变化可能导致全球经济衰退达20%。
They could unleash "a huge international market" driving investment in green technologies across the world for decades, says Sir Nicholas Stern, the British economist who wrote a 2006 Review on the economics of climate change. 英国经济学家、曾撰写2006年气候变化经济学评论的尼古拉斯斯特恩爵士(sirnicholasstern)表示,这些计划可能催生“一个庞大的国际市场”,在几十年内推动世界各地的环保技术投资。
In a statement summarising Stern's analysis, the UK treasury said: "Action is urgent& the earlier we start, the greater the chance we will have of limiting the risks of dangerous climate change." 英国财政部的一份声明概括了Stern的分析,它说:“需要尽快采取行动&我们开始得越早,我们限制危险的气候变化的可能性也就越高。”
Todd Stern, the US climate envoy, has suggested President Obama will go only if a deal seems close. 美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(toddstern)已经表示,只有在协议有望达成的情况下,奥巴马总统才会出席。
We are told, for instance by the recent stern review, that we must act because catastrophe is possible, even though the likely result of climate change is something less serious. 有观点比如最近发布的《斯特恩报告》(sternreview)称,我们必须采取行动,因为尽管气候变化的可能结果并不那么严重,但仍可能发生灾难。
Lord Stern has come under attack from economists and climate change sceptics since his report, which some sceptics regard as scaremongering. 自那篇报告公布以来,斯特恩就遭到了经济学家以及气候变化怀疑论者的攻击。有些怀疑论者认为他的报告是危言耸听。
According to analysis published yesterday by Lord Stern of Brentford, a climate economist, these commitments take the world "very close" to the cuts scientists say are needed to avoid the worst effects of climate change. 气候经济学家、斯特恩爵士(lordstern)昨日发表的一篇分析指出,这些承诺“非常接近”科学家为避免气候变化最糟糕影响所要求的的减排水平。
Todd Stern, the US special envoy for climate change, had one aim on arrival in Copenhagen last week: to get tough on China. 在上周抵达哥本哈根时,美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(toddstern)带着一个目标:对中国采取更强硬力场。
But Mr Stern said a deal was still possible in December at the climate change summit in Copenhagen, where countries will try to negotiate a successor to the Kyoto protocol. 不过,斯特恩表示,12月的哥本哈根气候变化峰会仍然有可能达成协议。各国将努力在该次会议上谈判达成《京都议定书》(KyotoProtocol)的后续协议。
Speaking at the London School of economics last week, Sir Nicholas Stern author of an influential report on climate change struggled to sound optimistic. 上周在伦敦政治经济学院(lse)演讲时,尼古拉斯斯特恩爵士(sirnicholasstern)一份有影响力的气候变化报告的作者感到前景不容乐观。
Lord Stern is the Ig Patel professor and chair of the Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment at the London School of economics. 斯特恩勋爵是伦敦经济学院ig帕特尔讲座教授,格兰瑟姆研究所气候变化和环境方向的主任。
The good news, suggests the Stern review of climate change, is that the economic costs of achieving these objectives might be as little as 1 per cent of global gross product. 斯特恩有关气候变化的报告显示,好消息是,实现这些目标的经济成本可能只需全球生产总值的1%。
Todd Stern said the two governments would seek "a common understanding" on climate change issues ahead of the crucial meeting in Copenhagen in December and would deepen co-operation on clean energy, but would not reach an accord on carbon emissions targets. 托德斯特恩(toddstern)称,两国政府将寻求在关键的12月份哥本哈根会议之前,就各项气候变化议题达成“共识”,并将深化在清洁能源方面的合作,但不会就碳排放指标签约。
But Dieter Helm, economics fellow at New College, Oxford, said Stern sent the wrong message by telling people combating climate change would cost a trival sum. 但牛津大学新学院的经济学研究员达尔特。赫姆说,斯特恩向人们发出了错误的信息,他告诉大家抑止环境变化只需要付出极小的代价。
Trying to mirror the success of the Stern Review on the economics of climate change will be difficult because biodiversity is harder to define, harder to measure and harder to cost, argues Toulmin. Toulmin说,试图复制关于气候变化经济学的斯特恩报告的成功将会很困难,因为很难定义生物多样性,而测量和估价生物多样性更难。
The Stern Review and Its Possible Impacts on Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations 斯特恩报告及其对后京都谈判的可能影响